You are your financial future.

Deborah W. Ellis
Certified Financial Planner

Planning for Your Financial Empowerment

Deborah is a thought leader in the space of financial planning and financial  empowerment.  She has authored and published two books and is working on her third. Her most recent book, Women and Wealth is an international bestseller.

Financial Planner

Financial services for people in Southern California and Hawaii.

As a financial planner, I help people retire with a roadmap for their future. I share my knowledge with you so you can understand the  implications of the financial choices you make. I help you understand what you are invested in and why to help you get to where you want to go.


Deborah is currently working on her third book and has been a guest on national and international podcasts.  She  is a sought-after speaker and guest to discuss money, financial empowerment and financial literacy.